
Upcoming NESCE Tradeshow

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We are currently getting our ducks in row for this year’s Northeast Healthcare Technology Symposium, coming up in just a few weeks! Hosted by the New England Society of Clinical Engineering, whose goal — “to provide high quality, continuing education opportunities that are designed to prepare the Clinical Engineering workforce for competency in an ever-changing healthcare environment,” is one we at MWImaging firmly stand behind.

The Northeast Healthcare Technology Symposium is a great opportunity to network with fellow healthcare tech professionals, gain insight into the latest industry trends, and elevate your program to the next level.

Join us from October 24-26, in beautiful Mystic, CT, just off the beautiful Connecticut shoreline. The conference will be held at Mystic’s Marriott Hotel and Spa, located at 625 North Rd, in Groton, CT. Click here to learn more, and to register! You can register for a single day or all  three days. 

Hope to see you all there!


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